Sunday, August 30, 2009

Book Review - Change Your Brain, Change Your Life

Daniel G. Amen, author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life is before his time in understanding truly how the brain works. In this easy-to-read book, he discusses major areas of the brain and how modern science can detect over-stimulation of any of these areas with SPECT scans (like an MRI but more detailed in actually portraying where the problem is coming from). He sees clients for any number of issues ranging from serious head trauma to mild depression. It is simply astounding how many patients he sees that have incurred a head trauma in their lives and don't even know it! Dr. Amen also explores environmental factors that can contribute to a person's mood or disposition. For example, when he was seeing a patient who came to him for increased levels of irritability, Dr. Amen was able to decipher that the patient's job was actually harming his brain, therefore altering his mood. The patient had been working with chemicals that were extremely toxic to his body and particularly his brain and as soon as he switched jobs, the mood problems were gone! I love Dr. Amen's holistic approach to common issues that many people face. He has a compassionate understanding for the human body and brain and leaves no rock unturned in this very refreshing book. Highly recommended for almost anyone!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Top foods that make me feel good

After years of eating food that makes me feel bad, I decided to do some major revamping to my kitchen stock. I now choose foods that are filling and full of nutrients that help my body perform its best. I workout five times a week, so I need foods that are high in protein. Studies show that most people do better on high protein diets because it gives you a lot of energy and helps your brain.

The first power food is cheap and packed with protein. It also is good brain food. EGGS are versatile in the ways they can be prepared. In fact there are 100 ways to cook an egg. Whats your favorite way? Personally I prefer my eggs over medium with a dash of salt and pepper on top of toasted Naan.

NUTS. Also a protein-rich food, this food couldn't be easier to eat. Nuts make a great on the go snack, especially if you have a handful before or after a workout. Note: salted, roasted, glazed, etc minimizes the health benefits when added to nuts. My nut of choice: raw almonds.

BLUEBERRIES. These antioxidant queens are not only super tasty but they are one of the best foods you can eat. Fresh are better than frozen, but both are good for you. I like fresh blueberries in my oatmeal with a little flax seed and stevia or in a chocolate flavored protein shake mix.

TURKEY. Rich in thiamine, turkey has natural relaxing properties. Thats why everyone gets tired after dinner on Thanksgiving. Don't get me wrong, turkey won't make you fall asleep when eaten in a well-balanced meal. Usually on Thanksgiving, we are also dealing with an overabundance of calories and a high sugar intake which both contribute to feeling lethargic. Turkey alone or as part of a healthy meal will relax you without making you feel sluggish. Not to mention the protein and low fat attributes will be much appreciated by your body.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The MN State Fair...whats not to LOVE?

Minnesooota. Have we forgotten our roots? Minneapolis/St. Paul has become a flocking point for many immigrants from all around the world. Yeah, the Twin Cities are pretty awesome...but what about the rest of the state??? The MN State Fair is a yearly reminder of who our neighbors are just outside of the city lines. Yeah thats right, I'm talking to you city slickers who have never seen a dairy farm or purchased fresh corn off the road or stopped into a homemade crafts store...just a few of the attractions 60 miles any direction outside urban territory. Well, the good news for all you hipsters out there- you don't have to go far to experience all this maaaaadness. Yes, thats right. We have one of the best state fairs in the country, by golly. So, dontcha know you should go on out there to the fair ya know!

A few of my favorite stops at the fair:

  • Cheese betcha!
  • Cattle barn and Miracle of Birth Center
  • Dairy ice cream I tell ya!
  • Arts and Crafts Buidling
  • Green Buidling (formerly the Technology Building) and theres lots of free stuff there
  • At least one ride (BEFORE cheese curds)
  • A free show at the Grandstand

    This year the fair goes from August 27th-September 7th. Make a date and support MN economy at the expense of the nice waistline you've carved all summer! :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Book Review - Time of My Life: A Novel

Time of My Life is an exploration of the age-old question of "what if I could turn back time?" In this book, the main character finds herself seven years back in time after getting her chi unblocked during by a masseuse. She finds herself far from her current married with child cushy suburban lifestyle...back with an old flame and able to change history- both for herself and others. Will she choose a different path for herself and alter the course of events for all parties involved or was she right on course all along? This roller coaster of a ride left me hanging from chapter to chapter. An easy read and recommended to all of those who wonder "what if?".

Monday, August 3, 2009

Album Review: Bitte Orca, Artist: Dirty Projectors

This is the first and only album I have listened to by the Brooklyn-based group, Dirty Projectors. I was automatically intrigued when I heard "Stillness is the Move" (featured on Bitte Orca) on the radio a few weeks ago. I was amazed to hear the rest of the album was just as good as their radio hit. The type of music I would classify Dirty Projectors would be indie/experimental electronic. I like to also classify music by "dancability" and I would say this music deserves a "5" from 1-10, ten being the most dancable. The only reason I say a "5" is that half the tracks on the record are slower tempo, however "Stillness is the Move" is definately dancable.

As far as the artisitc quality I think Dirty Projectors has created a unique and refreshing album with wide ranging vocals. I have listened to the whole album several times and counting...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Benefits of a body cleanse

Have you ever tried a body cleanse? I am not talking about taking a "detox" pill and then going and eating processed junk for lunch. Nor am I talking about a complete fast. I am talking about a system designed that helps you clean out your body's toxins and lets your liver and digestive system take a break. One commonly used cleanse system is the infamous homemade maple syrup drink (otherwise known as the Master Cleanse: . Another great option that I prefer is Isagenix cleanse drinks: Note that both of these systems are designed differently and you must use wise judgment in choosing the best option for YOU. I have tried both, and I see benefits to both. The Master Cleanse is home-made and the ingredients are readily accessible. However, the price is probably about the same as Isagenix if you are buying all of the ingredients. I like Isagenix better because I prefer the taste, and I am not left with hunger pangs as sometimes experienced with the Master Cleanse.

As a new cleanser, I suggest only doing the cleanse for one day. Usually this consists of NO caffeine, tobacco or other similar substance. If you must use one of these substances, do so sparingly. Note that the whole idea of this is to give your body a BREAK, so you're only cheating yourself if you cheat :)

Typically on a cleanse day, eating actual food is recommended at a minimum. The only food you should eat is a few small handfuls of almonds throughout the day if you are experiencing hunger pangs, maybe a small piece of dark chocolate, and a few slices of pear. Herbal tea is okay and will help you fall asleep the night of your cleanse. You will awake the next day feeling a new sense of energy and your body will feel clean. Cravings will usually go away in addition. Use this time to treat your body to healthy foods, which your body will start to crave in place of junk. Just try it for yourself and see that it works!!

A few recommendations:
- Take a fiber tablet before going to bed on your cleanse day. This will aide in the flushing process the next day. (Don't worry, you will not experience diarrhea, but perhaps a larger bowel movement than normal that may be black or green)
-Do not binge eat or drink alcohol the day before the cleanse, the day of or the day after.
-Smoking should be at a minimum or best not at all the day of the cleanse. Same with caffeine.
-Repeat the cleanse once or twice a month for three months.

Friday, July 24, 2009

A familiar face

Wow, who are you? I feel that we have met before, but...I just can't place it. The sparkle in your eyes...its like I have been waiting to see you my whole life. Have you been here waiting for me this whole time? I am speechless, and I can't stop looking at you. You are brilliant and intimidating, yet so wise and mature. How could I have missed you? Every time I look at you, I feel mesmerized and you leave me wanting more. I don't even know what I want more of. It's this! What ever this is...

I look back and I begin to realize all those times you were there and I ignored you. I start to think about your smile and your adoring ways, always trying to get me to come and play. But, forgive me friend, for I was blind. I could not see that which wanted so desperately to laugh with me, to dance with me, to sing with me. You could have not been more obvious, yet I was not ready to see you and could not even if I tried.

Today, was different. Today was different because I saw you. I saw you, and you brought me tears of joy. I saw you, and you brought me to my knees. I saw you, and you made me wonder who I was. I saw you...and then I saw me. For the first time.