Friday, July 17, 2009

The Art of Meditation - You can do it anywhere

Most people might think they don't have time for meditation. That's not true! You can meditate just about anywhere. If you are at work, you can use a few minutes of your lunch break. If you are at home with kids, use their nap time. If you are surrounded by people all day, use the restroom!

Here is a simple meditation to clear your mind and relax you. Five minutes a day is all you need.

1. If possible, find a comfortable seated position. A cushion to sit on is nice but not necessary.
2. Close your eyes and notice the sounds around you. Is there a fan humming in the background or perhaps the faint sound of cars driving down the street? Whatever the sounds, notice them and then bring your attention to your breathing. Is your breathing heavy and shallow or is it calm? Focus on your breath only. Notice any thoughts that come to mind and greet them with non-judgment and let them go. Return your focus back to your breathing. Do this for five minutes. You will come out of it more relaxed. The better you get at doing this, the quicker you will be able to relax and less distracted you will be.

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